My hellish week is almost over, and yet it feels like it has only just begun. Firstly I was omitted to the hospital yesterday, to terminate my pregnancy. It was a hell of an emotional rollercoaster, and the sorrow is still in me. I had to birth the child, and the pain matched the birth of a fully grown human. I'm happy it happened that way though. It is undoubtably the most humane way to go about it, even though it is an evil thing no matter how you look at it. I had contractions almost non-stop for 3 hours and at the end I was whole heartily ready to die. But still I saw the pain as me giving back to the baby in some way. I was not able to give him life, so the least I could do was suffer with him, and it gave me something, that I am unable to explain. I'm very sorry it had to happen this way, but sometimes you just get to pick which poison you swallow. I choose mine, and it stung horribly. You will always be with me, and be a part of who I am, and I'm grateful for that....